Monday, April 20, 2009

Thing 13

Hello again cyber world,

I just finished listening to Helen Blowers and Kathleen Gilroy about, and I see the big advantage to the site. I guess that I am just being a little timid about getting too involved in this social networking thing. I really enjoy working on the net but it seems that it is so time consuming. I think my computer is too old and slow (gosh I can relate to that!), so it makes me feel like I'm moving like a turtle. Reminds me of a Janis Joplin song "the Turtle Blues", but it's a little too mature for this kind of site.
I loved the 5 Apps to Wow the Average PC user and yes, I did say WOW, some incredible technology out there that is available to the average user. Well, over and out for now.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thing #12

Hello to all,
Well, I thought I was understanding Rollyo until I started trying to use it. Ok, I feel really stupid but what is the difference between a bookmark and my favorites? I use comcast and I just add things to my favorites files so that I can go back to a site easily later on. I'm assuming that a bookmark works the same way, but how do I create a bookmark? Any suggestions?
Lost in space....

Monday, April 6, 2009

Thing 11

OMG, I can't believe! I am adicted to audio books and this site is right up my alley. Just the few things that I looked at, I found new books from authors that I love to read and their new books. What a great site!!!

10 again

I wanted to do this for my daughters birthday coming up next month.

thing 10

I hope that this turns out. I went to and made a really cool mosaic, cross your fingers!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thing #9

Finding feeds doesn't seem to be a big problem, there are so many! The hard part is figuring out what you want, shaving it down to a few topics to start with. I found that was the most comfortable for me to start with. was a little too open, comfort level was not there. When I went to the Technorati tutorial, the guys voice scared the heck out of me! left there quick!

Thing #8

What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? I can see how RSS is a huge time-saver and I'm sort of getting the hang of it. I'm sure I'll love it once it becomes more comfortable.

How do you think you might be able to use this technology in you work or personal life? I believe that I will be using it a lot and maybe it will help me stay caught up on all of this (new to me) technology.

How can schools/classrooms/libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology? I'm not really sure but it probably will help schools, etc. keep up with the info that they are interested in also.