Wednesday, February 18, 2009

thing #4

I still am not sure what I am doing, it just hasn't kicked into the brain yet. I don't have a lot of time at work, so I have to go back and forth between my work and home computer to do this. But I will get there, it's just a matter of pushing through what is uncomfortable until you don't have to think so hard about it.


  1. I know what you mean.  It seems like a lot but after you start exploring it you can see how you might use it.  Sometimes I can't find my way back to our class for blogs (like right now) so I found your blog and wanted to tell you that flicker is rather cool...I think I can see myself using that.

  2. I have already found myself pushing through some uncomfortable zones. I feel I am behind the curve of our classmates. Either I am a slow learner, or I am not devoting enough time to thie class. Or I should stop comparing myself to others!

  3. I love your phrase "pushing through what is uncomfortable until you don't have to think so hard about it"... so true!!

  4. Wow, you all are so supportive and I feel like I'm not alone in this learning curve. Sometimes I feel like a little bit of an outsider because most of the people in this class are teachers or work in the schools. I work in the Records Center and it's just a different world but I enjoy it.
